Carnosine as a Potential Antioxidant for Disease Prevention And Beyond

3 min read

As an organic antioxidant containing two amino acids, carnosine acts as a free radical scavenger. It also helps regulate enzymes and calcium, thus functioning as a physiological buffer. Carnosine has a significant role in the body, and failing to have it can negatively affect your functions. Foods such as fish and beef are good sources of carnosine. While carnosine deficiency is uncommon, individuals consuming low-protein diets are the biggest victims. Vegetarians might struggle with getting enough due to their diet, while athletes might require a boost due to high-intensive activities. Let us look at carnosine’s potential benefits.

Chronic Diseases

L-carnosine is an over-the-counter food supplement that can potentially prevent and treat some chronic conditions like cardiovascular and diabetes through its anti-inflammatory, chelating, and anti-oxidative effects. Carnosine improves insulin resistance and lowers glucose levels, making it an effective supplement to fight diabetes.

Alzheimer’s disease

While more studies are still underway, some have proven the ability of carnosine to reduce the creation of amyloid beta, the main element that contributes to Alzheimer’s in patients. It helps elderly people minimize age-related reduced blood flow, primarily found in Alzheimer’s disease. Carnosine can improve old age-related memory loss and improve verbal functions.

Gastrointestinal Disorders

Orally consumed carnosine supplements have the potential to reduce the risk of getting ulcers and inflammation disorders. Supplements with polarizing can increase the expression of some antioxidant enzymes like glutathione and superoxide dismutase in the gastric mucosa, protecting cells against reactive oxygen species.


If you check online reviews about anti-aging products, you will likely see people saying that their skills looked much younger after consuming carnosine supplements. However, is that true or just an assumption? Studies prove that carnosine has some skin-boosting effects due to antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and radical scavenging properties. These chemical compounds help protect the DNA cells, thus boosting the health of your skin and delaying aging symptoms.

Borne Health

Due to its anti-glycation action, carnosine is beneficial to joints and bones. It stimulates bone development, contributing to overall bone structure integrity. Carnosine improves the health of an individual’s bones by increasing bone formation and minimizing resorption. It also aids in reducing cartilage degeneration by protecting chondrocytes from injuries.

Risks and Side Effects

While L-carnosine may be widely used for various health improvements, anybody planning to use it should contact their health professionals for tests and instructions. This prevents attracting more harm than good. It is generally considered safe when taken orally but only briefly. It can also be used on an adult’s skin but should not be used for long. Using it can lead to some side effects like dry mouth, stomach upset, gastrointestinal discomfort, and vivid dreams. However, the side effects are mild and fade away with time. There might also be some severe but rare side effects, including digestive system disorders and decreased white blood cells.

Carnosine can potentially improve a person’s health by fighting some diseases. While taking supplements is good, it is wise to focus on eating a balanced diet and eating foods that are good sources of carnosine. To be on the safe side, do not consume over-the-counter carnosine supplements, but get a doctor’s prescription.

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