10 tips to boost testosterone

3 min read

Although testosterone is an androgen, therefore a male hormone, women also produce it! It is particularly useful for the production of new red blood cells, for the libido and for the modulation of hormones affecting reproduction.

From the age of 40, women see their testosterone levels halved, promoting a drop in libido , but also muscle weakness and fatigue.

A testosterone booster based on tribulus, zinc and maca can thus reduce its manifestations, which are intimately linked to the pre-menopausal period. Regular supplementation can restore momentum sexually, athletically, and improve mood.

What is testosterone used for and what are its effects?

Testosterone is a male hormone responsible for the development of male physical characteristics and the masculinization of the genitals during puberty. In adulthood, testosterone regulates fertility, muscle mass, body fat percentage and red blood cell production. Having an anabolic role, testosterone is essential for athletes and sportspeople looking to gain strength and more muscle mass. When testosterone levels drop, with age, illness, drug treatment or following exposure to an endocrine disruptor, men may experience:

  • A decrease in libido
  • erectile dysfunction
  • Lower sperm production and maturation
  • An increase in breast tissue
  • A loss of muscle mass
  • A loss of strength
  • An increase in body fat
  • How to increase your testosterone?

Practice with cast iron

Strength training stimulates muscle building by “damaging” muscle fibers. The body then repairs the damaged muscles during the process of muscle recovery.

Training with additional loads also helps to raise testosterone levels directly after the session.

Research has in fact proven that multi-joint movements, such as the squat , boost natural testosterone levels.

Limit cardio static

Including cardio in your training schedule is wise for the health of the cardiovascular system and for controlling your fat percentage. But the danger is to overdo it, to the point of impairing muscle growth.

You will notice that marathon runners have little muscle mass. Long distances inhibit testosterone secretions, gradually reducing protein synthesis and muscle mass. This is not a theory, but an observation confirmed by the scientific community, which has been able to prove that long distances inhibit the production of testosterone.

Abuse of cardio is not only counterproductive for the muscles, but also for the testosterone level.

Prefer HIIT cardio

HIIT High Intensity Interval Training promotes fat burning over a longer duration because it increases post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) by over 70%! Unlike classic cardio, which burns calories during exercise, high-intensity efforts interspersed with short rest periods increase caloric expenditure for 48 to 72 hours.

If HIIT does not negatively affect testosterone levels, it is because the duration of the effort is significantly shorter than a classic cardio session, which generally lasts 45 minutes to an hour. Also, muscle mass is preserved, and sometimes stimulated (if using loads or bodyweight exercises), which encourages the body to produce more testosterone.

Consume enough protein

You already know that you need protein to build muscle mass, but did you know that eating it increases testosterone levels in the body?

Scientific research on the subject has shown that a diet richer in protein and lower in carbohydrates has a positive effect on the liver, kidneys, and testosterone levels.

In addition to protein supplements , focus your diet on animal proteins such as dairy, eggs, chicken, and fish.

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